C‑Bond BRS
Security Glass

This bullet-resistant security film and a patented nanotechnology solution show zero penetration results in ballistic testing. When applied correctly, the C‑Bond BRS system lives up to the name of bullet resistant glass.
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Ballistic Resistant Security Glass

The key to ballistic resistance with C‑Bond BRS is a security film combined with the adhesive solution that stops exceedingly high-velocity projectiles without allowing penetration through the glass surface. Once installed, the layers of security film provide a low-profile finish that is impenetrable under common duress and provides additional protection under heavy strain and attack. Ballistic qualities of powerfully enhanced toughened glass protect against not only projectiles such as bullets but also the force of a bomb blast or intense strike force like a hammer or crowbar. For these reasons, The C‑Bond BRS complete system is ideal for use in areas of high risk where the threat of firearms, rioting, bomb threats, and intrusion is prevalent.

Security Window Film

Protecting the Entry Points

Entry points are often vulnerable because glass is naturally less substantial and weaker than the building’s structure. Regular glass shatters fairly easily. Due to building codes, the tempered glass used in most commercial buildings for sliding doors and windows is even easier to break. Therefore, to fortify the structure, you need security windows that enhance the glass’s strength and impact resistance.

The added safety of glass security film combined with the patented nanotechnology solution in the C‑Bond BRS complete system protects against gunfire, burglary, vandalism, the impact of a bomb blast, and natural disasters. The C‑Bond Secure solution’s adhesive properties use nanotechnology to improve microscopic imperfections that naturally exist in ordinary glass. The advanced technology strengthens the glass and the adhesion of security window film. The process enhances the glass strength and the efficacy of the window film itself.

The continued increase in school shootings forces educational institutions to employ active shooter mitigation measures. It is our top priority to help prevent such devastating events. The C‑Bond BRS complete system is a formidable answer for many schools, colleges, and government buildings that have begun these increased safety protocols.

The 2021 riot on the US Capitol Building also shows the growing need for riot mitigation and impact resistance against angry mobs. Increasing the impact resistance of vulnerable entry points allows insiders additional time to get to safety and call the police for protection. Riot glass gives additional minutes necessary to save lives when under threat or attack.

What is C-Bond BRS?

An Alternative Bullet Resistant Glass System

C‑Bond BRS is a ballistic resistant security film system designed to withstand immense impact, gunfire, and bomb blast. The system comes complete with three layers of precut 15-mil film, cut to your specific window measurements, and the C‑Bond Secure patent-protected nanotechnology film mounting solution. Applying the three layers of window film in an industry-specific multi-step process combined with the nanotechnology solution provides expert results people are raving about. Installers must follow procedural steps to ensure proper coverage and uphold the quality results for ballistic resistance. Patriot Glass Solutions supplies specialized training to apply the multi-layer maximum protection system with C‑Bond Secure nanotechnology. Training methods are simple once learned.

Security Window Film Stats To Brag About

Bullet Penetration
Zero penetration in multi-shots fired ballistic testing under handgun fire. Ballistic testing conducted at threat level I used a caliber .38 Special. Level II testing used a caliber .38 Special and a 357 Magnum. Ballistic testing conducted at threat level IIA used a caliber .38 Special and a 357 Magnum. All testing results confirmed zero penetration throughout five successive bullet impacts.
Tests show amazing one-way ballistic gunfire capability. The C‑Bond Ballistic Resistant System has one-way technology allowing gunfire from inside outward and still holds resistance to shots fired at the building.
Gunfire Capability
1 -Way
1 %
C‑Bond performs in strength tests up to 93% stronger than non-treated annealed glass. Testing shows success results of 21.8 lbs of weight pressure, whereas normal glass tests failure point is 12.5 lbs of weight. Under a similar study, C‑Bond performed 400% better in a pressure test. The patented adhesive glass solution shows withstanding 5.5 kiloNewtons of pressure when standard glass failed at 1.5 kiloNewtons of force.

In burglary resisting impact testing, ten glass samples were tested under five successive 50 ft-lb impacts at a distance of 10 feet. The dropped steel ball produced breakage with no complete penetration throughout multiple tests.

Impact Resistance
1 ft-lb

Proven Security Glass Safety Standards

C‑Bond BRS (Ballistic Resistant System) offers unparalleled security glass alternatives in office buildings, schools, municipal buildings, government buildings, and commercial establishments. Extensively tested for optimal performance, C‑Bond BRS earned multiple levels of certifications for National Institute of Justice standards. We are validated to pass the NIJ Level I, Level II, Level IIA, and Underwriters Laboratories UL 752 ballistic resistance test standards. Learn more about the complete testing of C‑Bond BRS. View our results.

Benefits Of the Complete C‑Bond BRS Security Film System

The key to ballistic resistance with C‑Bond BRS is a security film combined with the adhesive solution that stops exceedingly high-velocity projectiles without allowing penetration through the glass surface. Once installed, the layers of security film provide a low-profile finish that is impenetrable under common duress and provides additional protection under heavy strain and attack. Ballistic qualities of powerfully enhanced toughened glass protect against not only projectiles such as bullets but also the force of a bomb blast or intense strike force like a hammer or crowbar. For these reasons, The C‑Bond BRS complete system is ideal for use in areas of high risk where the threat of firearms, rioting, bomb threats, and intrusion is prevalent.

Patriot Glass Solutions In Conjunction With C‑Bond BRS

In conclusion, C‑Bond BRS (Ballistic Resistant System) exceeds expectations for functionality and ballistic glass protection while maintaining the building’s original appearance. The C‑Bond Ballistic Resistant System is one of the only complete ballistic window film systems backed by scientific research and nanotechnology. Required training for proper installation is easy and quick. Your team will have expert knowledge on ballistic resistant glass installation in no time. 

Patriot Glass’s system gives you the patented nanotechnology adhesive glass solution and three layers of precut highest quality ballistic window film specifically custom fit for your next window film installation project. Patriot Glass Solutions is proud to produce the next level of security for our dealers. To order your kit today, become an Authorized Patriot Glass Dealer and deliver a better product to your customers.